All Mobile Flash files & Register software available Here ..........!☻

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MZ M787 Mt6261 Flash File

MZ M787 Mt6261 Flash File Cm2 MTK 1.58 Setup Read 
 Al Masoom Mobile

Chinese Miracle II  [MTK module] v 1.58
Operation : Read Flash [ v1.58 ]
1. Power Off Phone , Remove battery , Insert back
2. Insert USB cable. In some cases require hold BootKey ( '*' )
Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 14 ]
Sync Ok, read regs...
Inital regs read done
Boot Info : 
BB_CPU_ID : 6261
BB_CPU_SW : 0001
BB_CPU_SB : 8000
BB_CPU_NM : [MediaTek] MT6261_S0000
BROM Protocol Version : 05
Setting done , result code 0x000E
BROM stage done
Seek and prepare DownloadAgent
DownloadAgent matching HW Found!
DA verify and select done
Sending DA to target ...
DA_INFO   : 0xC0 , Ver : 3.2 , BBID : 0x8E
NOR Flash IC initialized
[0] : FLASH_VEN : 0x0113 , [Winbond] SF_W25Q32JV
[0] : FLASH_DIE : 00EF 0070 0016 0000 
[0] : FLASH_LEN : 0x00400000
SDS_INFO : 0x003FE000 , 0x00002000
INT_RAM : 0x0000D000
EXT_RAM : 0x00400000
Reading Flash Content now ... 
Read Flash now
Read Ok , 4194304 bytes read
Check and collect compile info
File_Info   : L2016_JHD_T14_MZ_M787_PCB01_gprs_MT6261_S00.L2016_JHD_T14_M787_MZ.bin
FileVersion : L2016_JHD_T14_M787_MZ
Saved to : C:\InfinityBox\CM2MTK\Read_out\L2016_JHD_T14_MZ_M787_PCB01_gprs_MT6261_S00.L2016_JHD_T14_M787_MZ.bin
Elapsed: 00:00:25
Reconnect Power/Cable! 
MZ M787 Mt6261 Flash File  file 


this is 100 percent tested By Al Masoom Mobile                           
  click here to download                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

QMobile E4 Sc6531E Flash File

QMobile E4 Sc6531E Flash File Cm2 Scr Read 
 Al Masoom Mobile 

Operation : Read Flash [ v1.02 ]

1. Power off device
2. Press and hold BootKey or use BootCable
3. Insert cable and battery in device!

Wait for device ... 

Device Connected!
BootVersion : SPRD3
BootSource  :  InternalLibrary
BootVersion : Infinity SCR SC6531E Loader v 1.2
Port speed : 921600
FDL Flash  : Control transfered!

Boot Done!

CS0_MEM : SPI : [WINBOND] : W25Q32 : 0x00400000 [ 4MiB ]

Read Ok!

Saved to : C:\Users\Al Masoom-Pc\Documents\Q E4 Scr 6531E\Q E4 Sc6531E Flash file FLASH_DUMP.bin

Elapsed: 00:01:37

Reconnect Power/Cable!

QMobile E4 Sc6531E Flash File file this is 100 percent tested By Al Masoom Mobile                        

click here to downlload                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


QMOBILE M200 BEST Sc6531E Flash File Cm2 Scr Read 
 Al Masoom Mobile


Operation : Read Flash [ v1.02 ]

1. Power off device
2. Press and hold BootKey or use BootCable
3. Insert cable and battery in device!

Wait for device ... 

Device Connected!
BootVersion : SPRD3
BootSource  :  InternalLibrary
BootVersion : Infinity SCR SC6531E Loader v 1.2
Port speed : 921600
FDL Flash  : Control transfered!

Boot Done!

CS0_MEM : SPI : [GIGADEVICE] : GD25Q32 : 0x00400000 [ 4MiB ]

Read Ok!

Saved to : C:\Users\Al Masoom-Pc\Documents\Q M200 Best\Q M200 Best Sc6531E  FLASH_DUMP.bin

Elapsed: 00:01:24

Reconnect Power/Cable!

   QMOBILE M200 BEST SC6531 file this is 100 percent tested By Al Masoom Mobile                                  

click here to download                                                                                                                                             




AWEY A3000 Sc6533G Flash File

AWEY A3000 Sc6533G Flash File Cm2 Scr Read 
 Al Masoom Mobile

Operation : Read Flash [ v1.02 ]

----- > Powered On : 
1. Power On device
2. Connect USB cable
3. When device show StorageMode : Press '0' button for a 5 second!
----- > Powered Off : 
1. Insert USB cable
2. Wait when device show Charge icon
3. When device show StorageMode : Press '0' button for a 5 second!

Wait for device ... 

Device Connected!
BOOT_PWR0 : 0x00600000
BOOT_INIT : 0x81C0024C
BOOT_INTV : 6533G-FPTRUNK-W16.44.2
InternalVersion: g8bec5c4c
Setting BOOTROM mode
Boot_CPU  : 0x08090007 : [SPREADTRUM] : SC6533G
MEMD for flsh_spi32m Branch: none
Boot_CS0 : 0x00000000 : SPI : [SPIDEF] : 25Q32 : 0x00400000 [ 4MiB ]
Performing MemoryInit
Selecting RL
Sending RL
Config : MemoryInit
Config : Loader
Boot IV  : 0xFBA2A250
Boot done!

Read done, 0x00400000

Verify FlashContent
MCU verified
CAL verified
FAC verified

Device Info Details : 
[0] : SC6533
[1] : 8809
[2] : 8809e2
[3] : CT8851C
[4] : pasw_hs8292u
[5] : flsh_spi32m
[6] : nv3029g/st7789/gc9304/gc9305/gc9306/ili9340X
[7] : byd3A01/gc6133/gc6123/sp0820
[8] : rdabt_8809
[9] : rdafm_8809e
[10] : release
[11] : 2017-11-23_17:00:00
[12] : HA001_240320_YIXIANG_ST300_AWEY_EnFrArPeRuPo_R61212

Saved to : C:\Users\Al Masoom-Pc\Documents\Awet A3000\
Saved as : SC6533G_4MiB_SC6533_HA001_240320_YIXIANG_ST300_AWEY_EnFrArPeRuPo_R61212_2017-11-23_170000.ilod

Elapsed: 00:04:00

Reconnect Power/Cable!

AWEY A3000 Sc6533G  Flash File file this is 100 percent tested By Al Masoom Mobile                              

click here to download


E Tachi E210 lite SC6531E flash file

E Tachi E210 lite SC6531E Flash File Cm2 Scr Read 
 Al Masoom Mobile

 Operation : Read Flash [ v1.02 ]

1. Power off device

2. Press and hold BootKey or use BootCable

3. Insert cable and battery in device!

Wait for device ... 

Device Connected!

BootVersion : SPRD3

BootSource  :  InternalLibrary

BootVersion : Infinity SCR SC6531E Loader v 1.2

Port speed : 921600

FDL Flash  : Control transfered!

Boot Done!

CS0_MEM : SPI : [WINBOND] : W25Q32 : 0x00400000 [ 4MiB ]

Read Ok!

Saved to : C:\Users\Al Masoom-Pc\Documents\E-TACH E210 Lite Sc6531E\E-TACH E210 Lite Sc6531E FLASH_DUMP.bin


Elapsed: 00:02:14

Reconnect Power/Cable!

E Tachi E210 lite SC6531E flash file this is 100 percent tested By Al Masoom Mobile                                               

click here to download


Miracle box thunder edition 2.82 crack without box

Miracle box thunder edition ver 2.82 cracked by gsm_x_team

                            Al Masoom Mobile 

Miracle Thunder 2.82 Crack without Box 100% Working 2021
1 If you want a Miracle Thunder 2.82 Crack without Box 100% Working
2 if you Work On Mobile flashing
So Please Complete read it

Miracle Thunder 2.82 Crack
it’s a good flashing machine flash lot of mobile Model  And Cpu flash in it it is working very good you don’t feel using without box and Dongle

Miracle Thunder 2.82 Crack without Box 100% Working

Miracle box 2.82 Crack New Features
1-2.Qualcomm Improve QCN + IMEI Write.                
2-3.MTK Add MT6765676267996739 new ID Support.
3-4.MTK Add VIVO Y83 FormatIMEI Support.           
                                        4-5.MTK Improve Read Network Code And Add Direct Unlock in Flash Mode.
5-6.MTK Improve IMEI Repair For Power On.             
  6-7.MTK & Qualcomm Add News Models Select support
7-Miracle box 2.82 New FRP Features                              
8-Qualcomm Add Auto Identify Loader in Models.        
9-Qualcomm Improve QCN + IMEI Write.                    
10-MTK Add MT6765676267996739 new ID Support.   
11-MTK Add VIVO Y83 FormatIMEI Support.              
                                      12-MTK Improve Read Network Code And Add Direct Unlock in Flash Mode.
13-MTK Improve IMEI Repair For Power On.                
 14-MTK & Qualcomm Add News Models Select support.
15-All Vivo Phones Modes Add                                           
16-All Oppo Phone Models Add                                          
17-Nokia HMD all Models added MT6737                        
           18-Miracle 2.82 FRP Pack  SINGLE CLICK FRP REMOVED
19-Spreadtrum Mobile                                                        
20-Mediatek Mobile                                                            
21-Qualcomm Mobile                                                         
22- MTK Universal = More than anyone                          
                                                      23- Qualcomm Universal = More than anyone Universal Method = More Than Millions
24- Samsung 4 Different Methods for Frp Removal        
25-Reboot Tool                                                                     
26- Reboot Fastboot to Edl                                                 
27-Reboot Fastboot to Normal                                           
28- Reboot Adb to BootloaderFastBoot                             
29-Reboot Adb to Download                                               
30-Reboot Adb to Edl                                                          
31-Reboot Ftm to Edl                                                          
32-Reboot Adb to Recover                                                  
33-Methods used                                                                  
34- ADB Mode                                                                      
35- Fastboot Mode                                                               
36- EDL Mode                                                                      
37- Diag Mode                                                                      
38- Download Mode                                                            
39- Factory Mode                                                                
40- Universal Fastboot Mode                                              
41- Universal ADB Mode                                                    
42- TWR                                                                               

How To Run Miracle thunder 2.82 Crack

after download Extract Here in any place and
disable your antivirus and Click On Run as Administrator

And Your application is run if you face Start Button Not Working
Problem don’t be Penick Use Handler File

Use Handler File

I will provide Handler file Download it And Go To Miracle thunder 2.82 Crack
Folder then Box Data folder open it And Past Handler File Popup Appear Click 
Copy and Replace  close all folder Refresh your Pc More Than Three-time 
and open Miracle thunder again Your Problem Solve 100% by Al Masoom Mobile

Miracle box thunder edition 2.82 crack without box this is 100 percent tested By Al Masoom Mobile  

click here to download                                                                                                                                                     

HELLO TECH G4 MT6261 Flash File

 HELLO TECH G4 MT6261 Flash File Cm2 MTK 1.58 Setup Read 
 Al Masoom Mobile

Operation : Read Flash [ v1.58 ]

1. Power Off Phone , Remove battery , Insert back
2. Insert USB cable. In some cases require hold BootKey ( '*' )

Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 16 ]
Sync Ok, read regs...
Inital regs read done
Boot Info : 
BB_CPU_ID : 6261
BB_CPU_SW : 0001
BB_CPU_SB : 8000
BB_CPU_NM : [MediaTek] MT6261_S0000
BB_CPU_SN : 2829BD4BE595E5ED28DC5099AFA62C90
BROM Protocol Version : 05
Setting done , result code 0x000E
BROM stage done
Seek and prepare DownloadAgent
DownloadAgent matching HW Found!
DA verify and select done
Sending DA to target ...
DA_INFO   : 0xC0 , Ver : 3.2 , BBID : 0x8E
NOR Flash IC initialized
[0] : FLASH_VEN : 0x0112 , [MXIC] MX25L3291FWJI_09
[0] : FLASH_DIE : 00C2 0020 0016 0000 
[0] : FLASH_LEN : 0x00400000
SDS_INFO : 0x003FE000 , 0x00002000
INT_RAM : 0x0000D000
EXT_RAM : 0x00400000
Reading Flash Content now ... 

Read Flash now
Read Ok , 4194304 bytes read
Check and collect compile info
File_Info   : FLYCOM61D_M186_TECH_PCB01_gprs_MT6261_S00.HELLO_TECH.bin
FileVersion : HELLO_TECH
Saved to : C:\InfinityBox\CM2MTK\Read_out\FLYCOM61D_M186_TECH_PCB01_gprs_MT6261_S00.HELLO_TECH.bin

Elapsed: 00:00:14
Reconnect Power/Cable! 

    HELLO TECH G4 MT6261 this is 100 percent tested and from almasoommobile                                                

click here to download                                                                                                                                                             

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